Berg, Allison, Jean Kowaleski, Caroline Le Guin, Ellen Weinauer, and Eric Wolfe. “Breaking the Silence: Sexual Preference in the Composition Classroom.”

Berg, Allison, Jean Kowaleski, Caroline Le Guin, Ellen Weinauer, and Eric Wolfe. "Breaking the Silence: Sexual Preference in the Composition Classroom." Feminist Teacher, vol. 4, no. 2/3, 1989, pp. 29-32. Accessed 2 Nov. 2016. To remember: Though many composition classrooms are increasingly devoted to examining the ways social membership can shape and construct our identity, … Continue reading Berg, Allison, Jean Kowaleski, Caroline Le Guin, Ellen Weinauer, and Eric Wolfe. “Breaking the Silence: Sexual Preference in the Composition Classroom.”