Rogoff, Irit, “Studying Visual Culture”

Rogoff, Irit. "Studying Visual Culture." The Visual Culture Reader, edited by Nicholas Mirzoeff, London, Routledge, 1998, pp. 24-36. Summary: Rogoff sets up a 'what is' [and what is not] for visual culture studies. She casts the field as taking up Derrida's concept of différance and providing "the visual articulation of the continuous displacement of meaning in the … Continue reading Rogoff, Irit, “Studying Visual Culture”

Harry Denny. “A Queer Eye for the WPA.”

Denny, Harry. "A Queer Eye for the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration, vol. 37, no. 1, 2013, pp. 186-98. Accessed 5 Nov. 2016. To remember: To channel Linda Adler-Kassner in the Activist WPA, our American jeremiad is always already a paradox of an exceptionalist mission toward homogenization and assimilation that's also constantly under threat of … Continue reading Harry Denny. “A Queer Eye for the WPA.”

Blackman, Lisa. “The Subject of Affect: Bodies, Process, Becoming”

Blackman, Lisa. "The Subject of Affect: Bodies, Process, Becoming." Immaterial Bodies Affect, Embodiment, Mediation. London: Sage, 2012. 1-25. Print. To remember: bodies are not considered stable things or entities, but rather are processes which extend into and are immersed in worlds. That is, rather than talk of bodies, we might instead talk of brain–body–world entanglements, … Continue reading Blackman, Lisa. “The Subject of Affect: Bodies, Process, Becoming”

Kølvraa, Christoffer. “Affect, Provocation, and Far Right Rhetoric”

Kølvraa, Christoffer. "Affect, Provocation, and Far Right Rhetoric." Affective Methodologies: Developing Cultural Research Strategies for the Study of Affect. Ed. Britta Timm Knudsen and Carsten Stage. New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2015. 183-200. Print. To remember: Deleuzian understanding of rhetoric as a force or kind of intensity to be thought separate from processes of signification or … Continue reading Kølvraa, Christoffer. “Affect, Provocation, and Far Right Rhetoric”

Fleckenstein, Kristie. Bodysigns (part one)

Fleckenstein, Kristie S. "Bodysigns: A Biorhetoric for Change." JAC, vol. 21, no. 4, 2001., pp. 761-790. To remember: "our language and our writing should be adequate enough to make our dreams, our visions, our stories, our thinking, and our actions not just revolutionary but transformative" ("Freedom" 46) (761). Susan Jarratt notes that "both feminist inquiry … Continue reading Fleckenstein, Kristie. Bodysigns (part one)